Contribute this project - Mozgoid/unity-gcm GitHub Wiki

For contributors of this project

If you are interested in this project and want to commit or customize this project, you can follow this guide.

How to modify Java layer

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Open unity-gcm/source/UnityGcmPlugin with Eclipse.
  3. Edit Java code.
  4. If auto build is enabled in your Eclispe, you can get unitygcmplugin.jar in bin folder in UnityGcmPlugin project.
  5. Import the unitygcmplugin.jar into Assets/Plugins/Android in Unity project.

How to modify C# layer

  1. Clone this project.
  2. Open 'unity-gcm/sample' with Unity.
  3. C# layer of this plugin is Assets/Plugins/GCM. Modify as you like.
  • GCM.cs : C# APIs which developer will call
  • GCMReceiver.cs : Receiver GameObject to interact with Java layer
  • MiniJSON.cs : JSON encoder/decoder