References - Moxigen/qlibre GitHub Wiki
Accounting Principles
- DWM Beancounter Online Tutorials
- The Accounting Game: Basic Accounting Fresh from the Lemonade Stand
- Accounting Made Simple: Accounting Explained in 100 Pages Or Less
- NPO Accounting with Ledger-CLI
- Formal Accounting Mathematics
Software Development Patterns for Accounting
- Accounting Patterns - Martin Fowler
- Accounting Engine API
- Introduction to SODA
- [Resource Description Framework] (
- Running total balances query
API Considerations
- Hypermedia
- Hypertext Application Language
- Siren - Like HAL with relationships and HTTP query methods
- JSON-LD Specification
- JSON-LD Homepage
- JSON-RPC Homepage
- H-Factor
- API Blueprint - Apiary
- Swagger
- Nginx + PostgreSQL REST API
- JSON Schema
- Why REST is More Like Religion than Most Technologies
- On Choosing a Hypermedia format for your API
- The Hypermedia Debate
- Example Siren Based API: Wurl Video Streaming Platform
- IANA Media-Types
Reference Tech
QR Codes
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