Teleporter - Mowmaster/Pedestals GitHub Wiki

(1.16 ONLY) - Check Sidebar for 1.19 Entries

Crafted with the Upgrade Base and an Ender Pearl.

  • Can be enchanted with Speed and Range, default is 1 teleport per second and entity spawns directly below the connected pedestal (based on pedestal direction)

  • Uses Enderpearls (16 fuel) or Chorus Fruit (4 Fuel) to Teleport Players, Mobs, and ItemStacks up to 40 blocks away.

  • Will not teleport if:

    • The destination is blocked.(Can teleport into fluids though)
    • Destination pedestal is being powered by redstone.
    • If there is no fuel left.
  • Each block teleported uses 1 unit of fuel. (1-24 units used max) [Range Enchant will allow for more block distance to be teleported over, at no additional cost]

  • [Warning] If there is not enough fuel to teleport to the location, the teleport will 'fail' teleporting the entity to a random location based on remaining fuel, the 'failed' teleport consumes all remaining fuel.