Pedestal Energy Network - Mowmaster/Pedestals GitHub Wiki

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Pedestal Energy Network or PEN for short,

This is the way Energy Upgraded pedestals move energy around. Energy Upgrades do not store energy like other mods capacitors and energy storage do, the energy within the PEN is only able to be used by the PEN. Inserting energy into the PEN is as easy as placing a pedestal on another mods generator or energy storage block, and upgrading the pedestal with the Energy Import upgrade. Extracting energy from the PEN is also very easy to do, Placing a pedestal against another mods machine or energy storage block and upgrading it with an Energy Export will pull energy from the pen and put it into those blocks. Transferring energy around in this manner is limited by the transfer rate of the upgrades, the maximum transfer rate is 20k rf/t.

Within the PEN, energy is transferred around very quickly between pedestals with energy upgrades. Some Upgrades transmit energy, and some consume it.

Upgrades that can transmit energy within the PEN include:

Upgrades that can only accept and consume energy are: