Generator119 - Mowmaster/Pedestals GitHub Wiki





Block Below pedestal is the 'input' this is required for the generator to locate the right recipe.


Sometimes recipes need fluid/energy/xp/Dust(If effect scrolls mod is installed), in these cases you need to transfer/pipe these things into the pedestal

  • XP IS NOT A FLUID, pedestals treats it in its own manner, you can magnet up xp off the ground, unbottle experience bottles, fluid converter xp compatible fluids, or smelt things in a furnace upgrade to create PEDESTALS XP, which then can be transferred into the pedestal (linking is required for pedestals to transfer to each other)




The output(what ends up in the pedestal) is very dynamic.

In general you need to be mindful that the result will be based on what is produced when the block is broken with the given tool (stone pickaxe by default)

  • For generating ice or other blocks that would normally require silktouch(grass), the result could be nothing, or dirt(in the case of grass) UNTIL you insert a silktouch pickaxe(currently due to a known issue, any silktouch tool will work).

Why a dynamic generation???

  • This allows for fun things,
    • A hammer from FTB Skies or ExNihlo can produce a 'hammered output' (sand generator can make dust)
    • Auto Smelt tools can produce a smelted result (sand generator can make glass)
    • Fortune tool on an iron ore block(custom output not in by default) would make multiple raw iron
    • the options for pack devs are pretty much endless this way.