Filtering By Entity - Mowmaster/Pedestals GitHub Wiki

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YouTube Video over this topic found here: A Guide To Pedestals - EP8: Entity Filtering

There are a few Upgrades that determine their targets based on a block below them.

entity filtering

These Below Blocks are Supported:

  • Netherite - Usually has special amplified effects.
  • Emerald - Targets Players
  • Diamond - Targets Monsters (Zombies, Creepers, Skellies, Blaze, Most of your Hostile Mobs [But Not Slimes])
  • Gold - Targets Animals (Horses, Pigs, Cows, Sheep, Most of your Passive Mobs)
  • Lapis - Targets Flying Mobs (Bats, Phantoms)
  • Iron - Targets Creatures (Monsters + Animals)
  • Coal - Targets Mobs (Monsters + Animals + Flying)