Enchanted Count Filter119 - Mowmaster/Pedestals GitHub Wiki
Filter Base, Book, and Redstone Dust
You can Clear the Filter back to Default by Crafting it
How it Works
Checks the Configured Filter Inventory for The Sum of All Enchants, Then Only Allows Enchanted items with that Number of enchants on it to pass.
For Example#1 Putting 2 enchanted items, each with 1 enchant on them in the Inventory to set as the Filter, means the set Filter will only allow enchanted items with 2 Enchants on them to pass through.
For Example#2 Putting 2 enchanted items, 1 with 2 enchants on it, and the other with 1 on it, in the Inventory to set as the Filter, means the set Filter will only allow enchanted items with 3 Enchants on them to pass through.
(This allows you to setup a filter that allows for more enchants on an item, without actually having an item with that many enchants on it)