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Welcome to the Pedestals wiki!

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For 1.19+ Users:

Pedestals now requires MowLib to be installed in order to work.

Pedestals in 1.19+ has been completely overhauled compared to 1.16. The main changes to keep in mind:

  • Pedestals now simultaneously transfers Items, Fluids, Energy, and Xp (MowLib custom xp handling) [Maybe gasses in the future???]
  • Upgrades and filters now have a "mode" and a "type" in order to handle this new transfer system, so keep that in mind when setting things up.
  • Insert Items with right click, crouch left click will return up to 1 stack of an item at a time, and left click will return 1 items at a time.
  • Insert Pedestal Modifiers (Glowstone, redstone, upgrades, augments) by first putting it in the offhand and then right clicking, left clicking with one of the tool/normal items in the offhand will attempt to pull out that related inserted item (Filter tool, upgrade tool, tool swapper, augments, etc)

For 1.16 Users:

Recently with more people playing the mod, I've had a lot of comments about the lack of documentation in Pedestals currently. Adding Documentation is coming along, but slowly. We have added a few things in game to help with that:

  • Jei Descriptions: They are 'brief', but generally give you the most needed details required to use the upgrade/Item.
  • Upgrade Tool: Gives more detailed information about pedestals upgraded with Upgrades
  • Linking Tool: Its r-click use on a pedestal will show information about that pedestal. Like its upgrades and what pedestal locations it will send items/exp/energy to, in order, from top to bottom.
  • Patchouli Guide Book: This is generally consistent with the information found here. [Also WIP]
  • Video Tutorial Series: Goes over the Upgrades quickly, but in more detail, and gives in world example of their uses. [Also WIP]

Thank you for your patience, as we continue to add content, and documentation. ~Mow