Importing skeletons - MotionTooler/MotionToolsWiki GitHub Wiki

this sections provides a simple tutorial on how to import your own humanoid models and prepare them for use with our software.

Obtaining humanoid models

Humanoid models can be obtained from many places. Thousands of ready-to-use models can be found bought/downloaded from online 3D market places like TuboSquid or the Unity Asset Store. Other software like Autodesks Character Generator lets you create your own rigged 3D model within minutes. Real enthousiasts can follow this tutorial provided by Unity to create their own models from scratch.

Important: Make sure that your models are of the FBX (.fbx) format.

Importing skeletons into Unity

Now that you have obtained a rigged model, we should import it into a Unity project. There are two ways to do this:

  1. Drag your model (.fbx) into the Unity editor and drop it somewhere in your Assets folder. Dragging Model

  2. Right click an Asset folder and select 'Import New Asset', navigate to the location of the model, select the .fbx file of your model and press 'import'. Import New Asset

Rigging the model

To make sure our software works with the imported model it should be properly rigged:

  • Select the model in the assets folder.
  • In the inspector screen of the model select the 'Rig' tab.
  • Set the 'Animation Type' of the rig to 'Humanoid' and press 'Apply'.

Rig type

The model is now ready to be used with the MotionTools software.