Scrum Notes Documentation: Raw Version - Morssel/CS_478_SemesterProject GitHub Wiki
Front end
Angular HTML/CSS Sass?
- Python
- Tesseract
Implementation questions
- Will need some sort of database
- Solution: Keep a raspberry pi storing all the documents
- Could also be hosting through github using jekyll
- How long do we want to keep this up for? either for the software project or for a while?
- Possibly using AWS depending on the using Lambda which would figure the computation
- Also can use S3 buckets to host the website
What we want this to do
- Joseph's lucidchart
- What will the goals be for each person
- Everyone by the end should understand both front-end and back-end works
Notes regarding
- having a basic layout like wordpress
- pleasing to the eyes but no images
- have links to most recent pdfs
- Plus having sections for more either text manuals or education literature
- about us page
- have two different layouts: basic and more styling
- can choose depending on Internet connection
- could detect what internet connection speed is and make recommendation
- may add depending on connection speed (may be fancier)
- how we want our powerpoint
- Summary/How it Works/Front End/Back end/Roadblocks/ FAQ or questions
- Each team will be using separate development environment
- User story and code design can be parallel and starting together
- Tesseract will probably be used for most of the backend
- Issue? Architecture, we still need to flesh out wha tthe front ends so the backend works correctly
- Solution: May need strings or depending on common variable
- May use a global variable for catching or need a container for testing
- Agree on a common set of interface or global variable
- Hand off or fetch location when pressing the button instead of just put inside the code
- Some intermediary for fetching the code
- Splits the problem into teams instead of everybody having to join in to figure out the problem
- That way if anything needs to be changed on front end or back end, can be done by either team
- Problem which could have: could save original and output storage
- Can run into storage problem
- Document should be able to handle the lambda function
- Another way: We take the API call
- Hand the function to the file where we take care of everything else
- AWS using lambda functions which is great for code that runs occasionaly but not often
- Make API - Hand the doucment to the function and with the type - won't need anything
- Easier on user and the front end
- May have to research how AWs could grab a file without going through our server
- May need to find a file for handling services
- We will choose one
- Do research how file handling works for research (either team)
- If tesseract will be used, need to handle output and clean it up again Time Estimate: 15 minutes
- Clear emphasis on user story
- Entry in and acts like a trail for us
- Checking out different file formats
- SFTP or other?
- Do we consider a different protocol on file transfer?
- May fall under the code design and the userstory is for what would the user see
- Possibly a drag and drop
- We have two main paths upload and download paths
- View webpage path and upload page path
- chocie if they wanted the extra privacy
- may let them choose url name?
- Big hole in our knowledge base: How are we gonna handle the upload?
- Have them deliver the document to us
- brings us to permissions
- May need to look at a terms of service
- Have our own moderation On front end
- how will the front end look
- rough representation of the directory
- Will need a domain name
- AWS for file transfer protocol and how its uploaded
- we have a documentation
- Pcik a good name
- Next Friday, come up with your final name
- Hopefully something better than BDDT
- We will be breaking everything down into user story for next time.
- Develop the user story with the Lucid chart
- May have to split work for backend and frontend
- Stretch goal - Add some text for a summary of the link
- Descriptive files names encouraged
- Preferred documents uploaded
- On homepage tell user what would be preferred for uploading document
- Can also use XML for formatting
- Can show them a preview of what it will look like
- Can let user choose how the format to be
Goal for next time
- Rough draft of the user story
- Check something into git
- How we will handle text other than pdf
- Authentication will be difficult to set up
- amintainence should be fine
- Signing andautentication documentation for AWS
- Probably setup a student account for our website
- may able to set up to expire
- just need a general security
- wire frame is starting getting
- By Wendesday start throwing something for the user story
- User story template for both backend/frontend started
- Have preliminery for the backend schematic and frontend schematic
- Jira too much of a pain, may go with Trello
- DFD and user story online, need everone to take a look and either add or delete what needs to be included
- Trello provides better tracking aspects
- Proibably need an admin, either Hans or Joseph
- Ideas are getting planned out Tasks
- Joseph setting up trello
- Hans finish final draft on userstory and DFD
- Jace/Kaitlynn starts building index files (Kaitlyn on directory/ Jace on index page)
- Al parsing method and the scheduler
- CSS style how much will be a question
- Text display what CSS are we gonna display
- Make it easier to read
- Backend will grab the text
- frontend will choose how to display the text
- Hans will set up the trello impact
- Discussed what we want for front page to view, upload, and check recent documents
- Make the website backwards compatible, this is due to our users may be on expired or out-of-date windows
- Got additions for Trello
- Beginning tasks have been added
- Kaitlyn has a mock up of the directory
- Jace has his upload on the github branch
- Al has the parse method down and formatting just has to be covered
- Now working on the stylesheet
- Demo I due in two weeks
- we will have the home page
- Add a documentation link (doesn't have to be huge)
- Still need to figure out the triggering function of the lambda
- Will get the bucket up and running
- Filtering out still a question
- Copyright still a problem, (rules will still be manual moderators)
- Have a demo of the site up through amazons s3 bucket
- Account may have to be renewed
- Progress made on the website can be copied over
- Uploading the file will do nothing
- Index.html page on Jace's page for github
- Angular has the site set up differently
- Al progress can parse the pdf
- Everything that is handled on the page is in python script
- May conflict with s3 bucket if not javascript
- may have to have our own pi server for it as well
- Still need to see how it works on the project side
- Next thing would be to expand the parsing for other file formats
- Confident that front end can present there pages for demo on next Friday
- Al's parser is working correctly remotely
- Need to finish up the upload part
- move Al's parser into the AWS Lambda
- do we have a particular page to merge the page
- demo will have a functioning upload page
- file backend for upload
- We have the beginning and end but still need the middle for the directory
- parser stores the html, generates an html file, and what is sent back is an html file
- Formatting will be off, but at least be consistent
- May have the back with a border
- Jace's index file needs to work with Al
- try to get Al's branch to work on lambda
- Joseph will be working the lambda to put Al's parser in
- Upload page will be uploaded tonight for Al's code