Conferences - MoriKen254/Memos GitHub Wiki
- The 8th International Conference on Social Robotics
- 場所: Kansas City, USA
- 原稿〆: 2016/6/7
- 開催: 2016/11/1-3
- The 8th International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems
- 場所: Lisbon, Portugal
- 原稿〆: 2016/6/10
- 開催: 2016/10/18-20
- The First International Conference on Applications and Systems of Visual Paradigms
- 場所: Barcelona, Spain
- 原稿〆: 2016/6/27
- 開催: 2016/11/13-17
- DARS 2016 : 13th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
- 場所: London, UK
- 原稿〆: 2016/7/5
- 開催: 2016/11/7-9
- 2016 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing (ICMMM 2016)--EI, SCOPUS
- 場所: Statesboro, GA, U.S.
- 原稿〆: 2016/7/10
- 開催: 2016/10/26-28
- IEEE/RSJ HUMANOIDS 2016 International Conference on Humanoid Robots
- 場所: Mexico
- 原稿〆: 2016/7/15
- 開催: 2016/11/15-17
- IEEE ICM 2017 International Conference on Mechatronics
- 場所: Australia
- 原稿〆: 2016/7/15
- 開催: 2017/2/14-17
- ICRA 2017
- 場所: Singapore
- 原稿〆: 2016/9/15
- 開催: 2017/5/29-6/2