Sheet Functions - Moosevellous/Trace GitHub Wiki

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Fill in Header Block
Clear Header Block
Options Analysis
Schedule Builder
Fix References

Header Block

The Header Block looks like this: HeaderBlock.jpg It's on the top of every blank sheet, for consistency.

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Fill in header block

Fills in Date and Engineer initials using the user name of the computer and internal PC clock.

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Clear header block

Clears the cells in the header block of their values.

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Options Analysis

Compares all the options from two sets of variables and saves the result to a destination range.


  • Variable 1: The first line to be varied e.g. dropdown list of fan SWLs
  • Variable 2: The second line to be varied e.g. dropdown list of attenuators
  • Result: The line of the calculation for the final result e.g. the SPL in the room
  • Destination Range: The first line for the results to be printed. Make sure you have enough lines to fit all the options.

Hint: Use the Row Reference function to set up the data validation, then select these ranges as your variables.

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Schedule Builder


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Fix References

Excel formulas sometimes point to places they shouldn't. In case they do this, select a cell with the formula error and click the Fix References button. The part of the formula bounded by apostrophes and exclamation marks (this is the reference bit) is replaced with an empty string (""). This usually fixes things.

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