Row Functions - Moosevellous/Trace GitHub Wiki
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Clear Move up Move down Row Reference Flip Sign Single Correction Auto Sum Extend Function |
Convert 1/3 to 1/1 Octave A-Weight Spectrum |
Clears all values, formatting, comments and validation from the row. In order these are:
.Font.ColorIndex = 0
.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
.Validation.Delete 'for dropdown boxes
.Merge 'parameter columns
.FormatConditions.Delete 'removes heatmap
.NumberFormat = "General"
Moves row of selected cell up and applies the formatting to the old row.
Moves row of selected cell down and applies the formatting to the old row.
Inserts a reference to another row of the calculation, applies the Trace Reference Style.
Adds a negative sign to the values selected. Note, only applies to selected cells, not entire calculation row.
- Apply a single value (positive or negative) to all bands.
- ???
- Profit
Search each row above, until there is a blank row. Sum the found range of cells, in octave or one-third-octave bands.
Copies the formula in column E across to all adjacent bands. Used by other formulas but can be initiated manually.
Converts transmission loss data from one third octave bands to octave bands using the following function:
Public Function TL_ThirdsToOctave(rngInput As Range) As Variant
The formula applied is:
Note that as the Trace convention is for all loss values to be negative, the function makes negative input values positive such that the normal formula applies.
See SPLSUM for reference.
Adds the A weighting from calculation row 0 to row above selected row.