Program Structure - Moosevellous/Trace GitHub Wiki

Trace is built to be expanded by anyone. If you want to do this, it's probably a good idea to have a look at the various modules in the code and make sure you're putting it all in the right place.

All buttons are in groups on the Ribbon. The name of group should match with the name of the module in which it sits. At the moment the groups are:

  • Load
  • Import
  • Row Operations
  • Noise
  • Curves
  • SWL Estimation
  • Vibration
  • Sheet Tools
  • Format / Style
  • Help

Additionally, there is a module called Ribbon Functions which holds all of the callbacks for the buttons on the ribbon.

Here's how all the modules should connect:


In general, the sequence of events from a user clicking a button on the ribbon is as follows:

  1. User clicks button on Ribbon – linked macro (Sub btnCustomFunction()) in RibbonControl module begins.
  2. Macro in RibbonControl passes the named range SheetType to Sub CustomFunction().
  3. Sub checks for valid row range using CheckRow().

OPTIONAL FORM STAGE (steps 4 to 6)

  1. Sub CustomFunction() calls the custom form frmFunctionName.
  2. User inputs into fields in custom form frmFunctionName.
  3. Code within custom form places data in public variables for use by Sub CustomFunction().

  1. Sub CustomFunction() writes formula description.
  2. Sub CustomFunction() merges or unmerged parameter column and applies validation.
  3. Sub CustomFunction() writes formula in leftmost cell of template; including call of GetCustomFunction().
  4. Sub CustomFunction() extends formula to range using function ExtendFunction(SheetType).