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If you're starting a new calculation, this is where to start. This button loads one of the blank calculation sheets. The user can then click the buttons on the ribbon to build the calculation. The template sheets are:
Type Code | Description |
OCT | Octave bands linear input |
OCTA | Octave bands A-weighted input |
MECH | Octave bands, linear input, regenerated noise section |
TO | One-third octave bands, linear input |
TOA | One-third octave bands, A-weighted input |
LF_OCT | Low frequency octave bands |
LF_TO | Low frequency one-third octave bands |
CVT | Converts from one-third octave bands to octave bands |
Style | A guide to the cell styles within Trace |
Calculations set up for routine work, with users only required to change the inputs to the calculation. The list of Standard Calc sheets is generated from all the files in:
...TraceRootFolder\Standard Calc Sheets
Standard Calc sheets are not currently included in the latest Trace build. But you could imagine creating sheets for things like this:
Table of hypothetical Standard Calc Sheets
CODE | Name | Description |
BA | Barrier Attenuation | Implements Maekawa's formula to predict barrier insertion loss |
CT | Cross Talk | Calculates cross talk paths between rooms |
FBI | Façade Break In | Calculates internal noise level from external source - multiple paths |
GLZ | Noise Ingress Glazing | Predicts internal noise level of external noise source through glazing in one-third octave bands |
N1L | SEPP N-1 Limits | Determines Noise Limits under State Environment Protection Policy No N-1 - Control of Noise from commerce, industry and trade |
NR1L | NIRV Limits | Determines Recommended Maximum Noise Levels (RMNLs) under EPA Publication 1411 - Noise in Regional Victoria |
P2W | SWL to SPL Conversion | Converts SPL to SWL for up to four sources. Converts SWL to SPL based on RT of room |
R2R | Room to Room Transmission | Predicts noise levels in a room, transmitted through a partition from another room |
RN | Rain Noise | Predicts rain noise based on roofing system. |
RT | RT Calculation | Estimates Reverberation Time using 3 methods based on room geometry and finishes. |
SIA | Sound Insulation - Airborne | Calculates Dw and DnTw for measured wall/floor systems |
SII | Sound Insulation - Impact | Calculates LnTw for floor/ceiling systems |
SSI | Simple Spring Isolation Calculator | Checks transmissibility of springs - no damping |
JIS | SPL to SWL (JIS method) | Converts FCU SPLs to SWL reverse engineered paths and some assumptions (ROUGH) |
Printable sheets to note down information or measurements in the field. The templates for field sheets are in:
...TraceRootFolder\Field Sheets
Used to process data from different pieces of equipment. Data can then be further processed for assessment or presented graphically in tables or figures. The list of Equipment Import sheets is generated from all the files in:
...TraceRootFolder\Equipment Import Sheets