Format Style - Moosevellous/Trace GitHub Wiki

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Format Borders
Heat Map


Styles are currently implemented for the following types:

  • Title
  • Unmitigated
  • Mitigated
  • Source
  • Reference
  • Silencer
  • User Input
  • Comment
  • Subtotal
  • Total
  • Normal

Styles can be selected through the Trace Ribbon (applies to whole row) or through the regular Excel interface (applies to selected cells). The function Clear applies the Trace Normal style.

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Formatting to cells is applied through the NumberFormat attribute in VBA. Formatting of units can be applied with this button for the following unit types:

  • metres (m)
  • metres squared (m2)
  • metres squared per second (m2/s)
  • metres cubed per second (m2/s)
  • decibels (dB)
  • A-weighted decibels (dBA)
  • kilowatts (kW)
  • Pascals (Pa)
  • Directivity (Q)

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Applies colouring to the cells using a 'traffic light' system. Conditional formatting will be applied to the correct columns to indicate when the target it met, marginal or exceeds in a 'traffic light' format.


Formatting may be applied to whole numbers or to the maximum allowable level, accounting for rounding of values up to 0.4dB above the target.

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Format Borders

Makes borders of cells look consistent. The default format looks like this:


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Generates a plot of the rows selected and applies formatting based on the user input form.


Formatting is applied to all series in the chart for consistency. Edits to an individual series can still be made the regular way through Excel's interface. The plot tool can also be applied to existing chart objects, by having the chart selected first, then clicking the Plot button in the Trace Ribbon.

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Heat Map

Uses conditional formatting to generate a heat map of values.

  • Green = Less
  • Red = More

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