Moonshine IDE release steps - Moonshine-IDE/Moonshine-IDE GitHub Wiki

Moonshine IDE release steps

  1. Ensure file updated with all issues and feature implementation against the release
  2. Ensure Bamboo build values are proper to the release build.
  3. Updates iTunesConnect version update details from
  4. Ensure no certificate details or native build information supplied in build-lib.xml
  5. Update application updater version at server
    • /var/www/html/moonshine/downloads/updater.xml
    • /var/www/html/moonshine/downloads/msdki/MoonshineSDKInstaller_update_v2.xml
  6. Ensure file has no 'pending' mark against to-be-release version number or anything

Sanity test Moonshine IDE release candidate:

  1. Upgrade from the previous stable version

  2. Uninstall both Moonshine IDE and Moonshine SDK Installer

  3. Delete the specific folders on the OS that may have had remnants of the old installs:

    • Windows:
      • C:\MoonshineSDKs
      • C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\net.prominic.MoonshineSDKInstaller
      • C:\Users%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\com.moonshine-ide
    • macOS: TBD!
  4. Clean install Moonshine IDE

  5. SDK Installer should be installed and launched, followed by pressing "Install Everything"

  6. Download all sdks including Apache Royale nightly build

  7. The Subversion->Grant Permission and Git->Grant Permission needs to be run and confirmed it worked

  8. The Git repository access should then be configured in Moonshine such that this screen works:

  9. Create each type of projects available in Moonshine

  10. Close and re-open through Recent icons

  11. Re-open through Project -> Import dialog

  12. General open/close editors using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts

  13. Build each project (if possible) and debug where it's applicable

  14. Check Help -> Getting Started reports appropriately

  15. Check Help -> About reports appropriately

  16. The following projects should be checked out and confirmed they can COMPILE and RUN:

  • Royale / Groovy / Ratpack:

    • Recaptch test application
  • Flex/AIR:

    • Moonshine itself
    • Native
  • Haxe/AIR:

    • GB-Auth
  • Groovy/Grails:

    • SwitchBoard
    • Structure4Notes
  • Java:

    • DominoMeter Java Add-In
    • Jedi
    • STARTcloud
    • SystemHealth
  • Notes/Domino:

    • The new Domino Visual Editor needs to be tested for creating a basic NSF which can confirm launch in the Notes Client.
    • Domino Form Builder to easily define a few fields and generate an NSF


  1. Copy nightly builds to next stable locations
  2. After the release update the links on website
  3. Push new chocolatey package