Color palette - Moonlight-theme/Moonlight GitHub Wiki
# | Color name | HEX | RGB | HSL | Family | |
01 | Light-I | #c0cedd | rgb(192, 206, 221) | hsl(211, 30%, 81%) | White moon | |
02 | Light-II | #99a0a8 | rgb(153, 160, 168) | hsl(212, 8%, 63%) | White moon | |
03 | light-III | #c6c3c0 | rgb(198, 195, 192) | hsl(30, 5%, 76%) | White moon | |
04 | Dark-I | #191f28 | rgb(25, 31, 40) | hsl(216, 23%, 13%) | Night sky | |
05 | Dark-II | #1f2730 | rgb(31, 39, 48) | hsl(212, 22%, 15%) | Night sky | |
06 | Dark-III | #374656 | rgb(55, 70, 86) | hsl(211, 22%, 28%) | Night sky | |
07 | Accent-I | #ecbd7c | rgb(236, 189, 124) | hsl(35, 75%, 71%) | Light | |
08 | Accent-II | #c69f68 | rgb(198, 159, 104) | hsl(35, 45%, 59%) | Light | |
09 | Accent-III | #93764d | rgb(147, 118, 77) | hsl(35, 31%, 44%) | Light | |
10 | Color-I | #c68768 | rgb(198, 135, 104) | hsl(20, 45%, 59%) | Frills | |
11 | Color-II | #c66868 | rgb(198, 104, 104) | hsl(0, 45%, 59%) | Frills | |
12 | Color-III | #c66890 | rgb(198, 104, 144) | hsl(334, 45%, 59%) | Frills | |
13 | Color-IV | #6880c6 | rgb(104, 128, 198) | hsl(225, 45%, 59%) | Frills | |
14 | Color-V | #68aec6 | rgb(104, 174, 198) | hsl(195, 45%, 59%) | Frills | |
15 | Color-VI | #9fc76d | rgb(159, 199, 109) | hsl(87, 45%, 60%) | Frills |
colors from 01 to 03
White moon is the Light color palette that can mostly be used as the text color.
So color
While color
On the other side color
So color
is the brightest one that can be used primarily as font color or as a background for white color themes.While color
is a bit more bluish to add some variation to the light colors.On the other side color
is a bit more orange "hotter" color which serve the same purpose as color light-II
colors from 04 to 06
Night Sky is the primary dark color palette for the Moonlight color theme.
Night Sky palette consists of three colors ranging from
Lastly we have
Night Sky palette consists of three colors ranging from
a dark bluish color that is very useful for an eye comfortable dark theme background. While
is a bit much brighter than dark-I
.Lastly we have
which is a high saturated and bright color with a distinguished contrast from color dark-I
colors from 07 to 09
light is the accent color palette for the moonlight color theme.
light is a yellow color variation that starts from color
Then it is followed by the real accent color
And finishing with color
light is a yellow color variation that starts from color
which is the brightest color form this color palette. Then it is followed by the real accent color
which looks incredible with the night sky family as a background.And finishing with color
which is the darkest variation of this family.
colors from 10 to 15
Frills colors are different hues colors ranging almost like the rainbow colors...
the main use is for parts that require adding colorful variations, but with the "Moonlighty" feeling.
Frills are the last family in the moonlight color theme which holds six colors with high hue variations and is mostly used to give some life to the themed result.
Starting with color
Frills are the last family in the moonlight color theme which holds six colors with high hue variations and is mostly used to give some life to the themed result.
Starting with color
which is more of a orangic youllowish color, followd by color-II
which is more orangic than color-I
, going to color-III
which is a nice less saturated light pink, followed by color-IV
a bluish purpleic color that males a very nice contarst with the backgriund color variations, then going for color-V
a less purplic turquoise color, which male a buetiful companation with color-VI
a light grassy green color.