Automatic_Scale_Spot_Detection_Tool - MontpellierRessourcesImagerie/imagej_macros_and_scripts GitHub Wiki

The tool allows to detect spots of different sizes in 2D-images.


Getting started

To install the tool, save the files automatic_scale_spot_detection_tool.ijm and into the folder macros/toolsets of your FIJI installation. You need to have FeatureJ by Erik Meijering installed.


Publications using the tool

  1. El Alaoui, F., Casuso, I., Sanchez-Fuentes, D., Arpin-Andre, C., Rathar, R., Baecker, V., Castro, A., Lorca, T., Viaud, J., Vassilopoulos, S., Carretero-Genevrier, A., Picas, L., 2022. Structural organization and dynamics of FCHo2 docking on membranes. eLife 11, e73156.