Waterskin - Momo-Softworks/Cold-Sweat GitHub Wiki

Waterskin Filled waterskin
The Waterskin is a consumable item that can change the player's body temperature.


When used on a water source, the waterskin will become filled, changing the item's texture and adding the "Filled" tooltip. When inserted into the top slots of an icebox or boiler, the waterskin will gradually decrease/increase in temeprature.


A filled waterskin can be used (right-click) to empty its contents onto the player. A fully-heated waterskin will increase the player's body temperature by at most 50, and a fully-cooled waterskin will decrease the player's body temperature by at most 50.

A waterskin dispensed by a dispenser will have the same behavior, applying the temperature change to all players below.

The actual amount of temperature change is determined by the temperature of the waterskin when used. If the waterskin has a neutral temperature neither heater nor cooled), it will have no effect.

A waterskin can also be held in the hotbar to give the player a gradual cooling/hearing effect. This drains the temperature of the waterskin, but does not consume the water. This effect can stack with additional waterskins.


Waterskins can be crafted in a 3x3 grid with the following recipe, resulting in two waterskins:

Waterskin recipe

Leather (2)
String (1)


Stacks to: 16 (empty) 1 (filled)

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