Thermolith - Momo-Softworks/Cold-Sweat GitHub Wiki

Thermolith Thermolith

The Thermolith is a redstone component that outputs a signal based on the current ambient temperature.


The thermolith outputs a redstone signal from the front based on the world's ambient temperature at that position. Every 10 ticks (0.5 seconds), the thermolith will update its signal strength. The signal can range from 0 (when the world temperature is at the freezing point) to 15 (when the world temperature is at the burning point).

[Expand] A thermolith outputting a redstone signal strength of 4
Thermolith outputting a redstone signal


The thermolith is crafted in a 3x3 crafting grid as below. Any color of terracotta can be interchangeably used:

Thermolith recipe



Required Tool: Pickaxe
Mining Level: Wood
Requires Tool: Yes
Blast Resistance: 10
Hardness: 2


Stacks to: 64

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