Minecart Insulation - Momo-Softworks/Cold-Sweat GitHub Wiki

Waterskin Filled waterskin
Minecart Insulation is an item used to insulate rideable minecarts from temperature effects.


When used on a rideable minecart via sneak-right-click, the minecart will become insulated, gaining a fur lining and padded interior. The insulation is removed and dropped when the minecart is destroyed.

An entity inside an insulated minecart will not experience any detrimental change in temperature. This item's intended use is for railways that span uninhabitable biomes, to prevent the passenger having to worry about their temperature.

[Expand] A minecart with insulation applied
Insulated minecart


Minecart insulation can be crafted in a 3x3 grid with the following recipe. Any color of wool can be interchangeably used:

Minecart insulation recipe

Leather (3)
Wool (2)

A Minecart with Insulation can also be crafted using the following recipe. This recipe is shaped, meaning the minecart insulation must be in the slot above the minecart:

Minecart insulation recipe

Minecart (1)
Minecart Insulation (1)


Stacks to: 1

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