Hearth - Momo-Softworks/Cold-Sweat GitHub Wiki


The Hearth is a functional block that heats up or cools down nearby blocks. It is the most important block in base-building and long-term temperature management.


When given hot fuel items, the hearth will warm up nearby players if their world temperature is below the freezing threshold. Likewise, when given cold fuel items, it will cool down nearby players that are above the overheating threshold.

Note that the hearth only affects the player and consumes fuel when they are in either extreme, and only if it has the correct fuel type.

Area Management

The hearth's area-of-effect spreads from the block's location, passing through all non-solid surfaces and filling the room. A solid surface is defined as any face of a block's hitbox that covers the entire 16x16 area.

For example, oak planks are a solid surface on all sides, but oak stairs are only solid on some sides, but not others. Any block that the hearth spreads to must have a solid roof (solid, as defined above) directly overhead.

The hearth can affect up to 12,000 blocks, with a maximum range of 96 blocks. Note that in a wide-open area, the hearth may not be able to extend to its full 96-block radius in every direction due to the 12,000-block limit.

[Expand] Debug visualization of a hearth's area of effect
A hearth with debug mode in a room


The hearth has two fuel pools: one for hot fuel, which warms up players in cold environments; and one for cold fuel, which cools down players in hot environments.

[Expand] Default Fuel Items (percentage of fuel gauge replenished)


  • Coal (3.7%)
  • Charcoal (3.7%)
  • Burnable Planks (3.7%)
  • Burnable Log (33%)
  • Coal Block (33%)
  • Magma Block (33%)
  • Lava (100%)


  • Snowball (3.7%)
  • Clay Ball (3.7%)
  • Snow Block (33%)
  • Ice (33%)
  • Clay Block (33%)
  • Powder Snow (33%)
  • Water (100%)
  • Packed Ice (100%)


Liquid lava and water can also be piped into the side of the block (except the front or top) for automation. Cold Sweat does not provide pipe blocks, but pipes from most automation mods should work, such as BuildCraft, Create, or Integrated Dynamics.

Water and Lava can be drained from the Hearth on certain sides. Only lava can be drained from the bottom, and only water can be drained from the sides (except the front or top). Fuel can be inserted on any valid side.


The hearth is crafted in a 3x3 crafting grid as below:

Hearth recipe

Smokestack (1)
Nether Bricks (5)
Basalt (1)

Old Recipe (pre-2.3):

Old hearth recipe



Required Tool: Pickaxe
Mining Level: Wood
Requires Tool: Yes
Blast Resistance: 10
Hardness: 2


Stacks to: 1

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