Home - Mohamed-Ashour/Laravel-eCommerce-API GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the Laravel eCommerce API wiki!

to get the application to work you need to follow these steps:

1- Install Composer if you didn't before.

2- clone the repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/Mohamed-Ashour/Laravel-eCommerce-API.git
$ cd Laravel-eCommerce-API

3- Install dependencies.
$ composer install

4- Edit the ".env" file with your "DB_DATABASE", "DB_USERNAME" and "DB_PASSWORD" values.

5- Migrate database tables.
$ php artisan migrate

6- Seed database tables.
$ php artisan db:seed

7- Start the server.
$ php artisan serve

Now the application is working on http://localhost:8000/
Admin-email: [email protected]
Admin-password: password