How To - Modjor/Transblocker GitHub Wiki is the main script that you should schedule to run using a cron task. Make sure to edit/create the following file before creating a cron:
- Transblocker.conf
- Set the installation path on line 14
- Create your own VPN provider ovpn file – and add the path to the file containing your username and password (userpath.auth, as described in sample.ovpn) Once you have edited the files accordingely to your own environment, run transblocker once from command line to make sure it’s working fine. From the installation directory, type: “sh”
If everything goes fine you should expect:
- VPN connection being connected if it wasn”t already
- IPTables rules applied to your VPN interface if it wasn’t already
- Stop the transmission service, update settings.json with the right binding ip and restart the transmission service
This script will block all incoming traffic on the virtual network interface, except for port 51412 (Transmissionqt peer listening port). You can edit the script to change/add the existing rules. If you do so, use the variable $iptables to call iptables, and $interface call the VPN NIC:
$iptables -A INPUT -i $interface -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT