Lab 4 1 - ModeJeffrey/NET150 GitHub Wiki

Important Commands: ping - Test connectivity between two devices

Important Concepts: Subnet mask - An identifier of a range of IP addresses within a certain network Default Gateway - A node that enables connection between other networks

What did you do?

  • Explored the concept of a subnet mask
  • Practiced pinging 2 PCs in Packet Tracer
  • Explored the concept of a default gateway
  • Experimented with simulation mode in Packet Tracer
  • Tracking destination and source MAC addresses using packets.

Other: How do you set the gateway address on a workstation in Packet Tracer? I set the gateway address on a workstation in Packet Tracer by clicking on the device and going to config, and finding the "Default Gaetway" slot. How do you set the IP and subnet mask on different interfaces of a multilayer switch? You enter the Ip addresses of different interfaces on a multilayer switch manually by going into each interface, open ipconfig, and entering it there. Once you do this, the subnet mask will typically automatically fill in. How do you enter simulation mode in Packet Tracer? You enter the Simulation mode in Packet Tracer by pressing the button within the bottom right corner. How do you set which types of packets you want to see in Simulation Mode? You select which types of packets you want to see in Simulation Mode by pressing the Edit Filters section in the bottom of the simulation mode HUD and pressing what you want to see.