RQ3 Provide a way for volunteers to manage their volunteer programs and to promote themselves as "Green citizens" - Mobwiser/share-humanity GitHub Wiki

RQ3 - Provide a way for volunteers to manage their volunteer programs and to promote themselves as "Green citizens"

Volunteers are an important stakeholder of the Share Humanity portal since they have a direct impact on the humanitarian world.

Volunteers would be able to:

  • Manage their volunteer programs
    • Apply to new programs
    • Interact with the organizations that are providing those programs
  • Promote themselves as "Green citizens" on the social media
  • Register events inside the portal
  • Register humanitarian crisis
  • ...

Below, we are describing all user stories related to volunteers and their interaction with the portal.

User stories

US1 - As a volunteer, I want to register my account inside the Share Humanity Portal

Volunteers can create a profile inside the portal. For that, they just have to create an account and provide the following information:

Description Data type
First name String
Last name String
Birth date Date
Bio String
Address Address (see table below)
Phones List Phones (see table below)
Focused on List DDL Global issues


Description Data type
Address String
Country DDL Countries
City DDL Cities
ZipCode String
State DDL States (Optional)


Description Data type
Type DDL Types
Country DDL Countries
Number String
Main Boolean
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