RQ1 Provide information regarding the global humanitarian issues - Mobwiser/share-humanity GitHub Wiki

RQ1 - Provide information regarding the global humanitarian issues

The “Share Humanity” portal aims to collect as much information as possible regarding the global humanitarian issues. We want to provide all map of humanitarian issues around the planet and provide all information about each issue:

  • General information about the issue
  • Number of people being affected
  • Places affected by the issue
  • organizations working on it

So what we want is to provide a map, like the google maps, but for humanitarian issues.

We want to raise awareness about those issues and promote the organizations that are working on them. We want to provide all events near the use location so that they can contribute to those events.

User stories

US1 As any “person interested in the humanitarian world”, I want to search for global humanitarian issues and get information about them.

Provide a map-based application where the user can see both humanitarian issues and humanitarian interactions spread all over the planet.

Acceptance criteria

  • Should be possible to search for:
Semantic search filter text input/td>
Specific humanitarian issues Multi-select input
Organizations Multi-select input
  • A semantic search filter should be able to provide information regarding any entity of the “Share Humanity” portal. Examples:

    • Issues Unicef is working
    • Events near me
    • Issues that affected more people in Portugal
  • Should be possible to configure the elements that should be displayed in the map

    • events
    • humanitarian issues
    • volunteer’s work
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