layout - Mobius1/Vanilla-DataTables GitHub Wiki


Type: object


layout: {
    top: "{select}{search}",
    bottom: "{info}{pager}"

Allows for custom arranging of the DOM elements in the top and bottom containers. There are for 4 variables you can utilize:

  • {select} - The per-page dropdown
  • {search} - The search input
  • {info} - The info label (Showing X of Y entries)
  • {pager} - The pager

A maximum of 2 variables per container (top or bottom) is recommended. If you need to use more than 2 then you'll have to sort the CSS out to make them fit.

Note, also, that while the {select}, {search} and {info} variables are single-use only, the {pager} variable can be used multiple times to produce multiple pagers.

Use of the {select} variable depends on the option perPageSelect being enabled and use of the {search} variable depends on the option searchable being enabled. Trying to use these variables while their corresponding options are disabled will result in nothing being inserted.

Example 1

Let's say you wanted the following layout:

|	info	|	pager	|
|				|
|		table		|
|				|
|  search	|  select 	|

The markup for the top container would be:

layout: {
    top: "{info}{pager}",

and the markup for the bottom container would be:

layout: {
    bottom: "{search}{select}",


layout: {
    top: "{info}{pager}",
    bottom: "{search}{select}"