columns - Mobius1/Vanilla-DataTables GitHub Wiki

Type: array

Default: undefined

Controls various aspects of individual or groups of columns. Should be an array of objects with the following properties:


An integer or array of integers representing the column(s) to be manipulated.


Automatically sort the selected column. Can only be applied if a single column is selected.


When set to false the column(s) cannot be sorted.


When set to true the column(s) will not be visible and will be excluded from search results.


A string reperesenting the type of data in the column(s) cells. Choose from the following options:

  • string - lexical ordering (default)
  • number - any string with currency symbols, . or , thousand seperators, %, etc
  • date - a valid datetime string


A string representing the datetime format when using the date type.


A callback to customise the rendering of the column(s) cell content. The function takes 3 parameters and should return the formatted cell content.

 * @param {String} data The cell's content (innerHTML)
 * @param {Object} cell The HTMLTableCellElement
 * @param {Object} row The cell's parent HTMLTableRowElement 
render: function(data, cell, row) {



var datatable = new DataTable("#myTable", {
    columns: [
        // Sort the second column in ascending order
        { select: 1, sort: "asc" },

        // Set the third column as datetime string matching the format "DD/MM/YYY"
        { select: 2, type: "date", format: "DD/MM/YYYY" },

        // Disable sorting on the fourth and fifth columns
        { select: [3,4], sortable: false },

        // Hide the sixth column
        { select: 5, hidden: true },

        // Append a button to the seventh column
            select: 6,
            render: function(data, cell, row) {
                return data + "<button type='button' data-row='"  + row.dataIndex + "'>Select</button>";

You can use the same properties in your markup. Just add the property to the th element as a data-{property} attribute:

        <th data-sortable="false">Heading 1</th>
        <th data-type="date" data-format="MMM DD, YYYY">Heading 2</th>
        <th data-hidden="true">Heading 3</th>
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