Events - Mobius1/Vanilla-DataTables GitHub Wiki

Vanilla-DataTables fires it's own events which you can listen for by utilising the .on() method:

var dataTable = new DataTable(myTable);

dataTable.on('datatable.XXXX', function(args) {
	// Do something when datatable.XXXX fires


Fires when the table is fully rendered and ready for use.


Fires when the .refresh() method is called.


Fires when the .update() method is called.

Fires on page change.

A single argument is available which returns the page number:

dataTable.on('', function(page) {


Fires when the table is sorted.

Two arguments are available when listening for this event: column which returns the column index and direction which returns the sort direction:

dataTable.on('datatable.sort', function(column, direction) {


Fires when the perPage option is changed with the dropdown. A single argument returns the per-page value:

dataTable.on('datatable.perpage', function(perpage) {

Fires on keyup during a search.

Two arguments are available: query which returns the query string entered and matched which returns an array of rows containing the matched string:

dataTable.on('', function(query, matched) {