MDS Asset Attributes - Mobility-Data-Space/mobility-data-space GitHub Wiki

Attribute Cardinality Type Explanation Example
Name 1 String Dataset Name Traffic situation in Hamburg
Version 0..1 String Dataset Version 1.0.0
Asset ID 1 String Dataset Id (in the MDS Frontend will be generated automatically) traffic-situation-in-hamburg-1.0
Description 0..1 String with Markdown Dataset Description The dataset contains the traffic situation in real time on the Hamburg road network. The traffic situation is divided into 4 condition classes: flowing traffic (green), heavy traffic (orange), slow-moving traffic (red), queued traffic (dark red).
Keywords 0..* String Keywords describing the dataset traffic; hamburg; traffic jams
Language 0..* Enumeration Language of the dataset (use "Multilingual" if more than one language is used) German
Content type 0..* String Content type of the dataset application/json
Endpoint Documentation 0..1 URL Documentation describing the dataset, its parameters and values
Publisher 0..1 URL Homepage of the participant who makes the dataset available within the MDS
Organization 1 String Legal name of the participant who makes the dataset available within the MDS DRM GmbH
Standard licence 0..1 URL License under which is the dataset available
Data Category 1 Enumeration Vordefined MDS Data Category Traffic Flow Information
Data Subcategory 0..1 Enumeration Vordefined MDS Data Subcategory Realtime Traffic Flow Data
Data Model 0..1 String Mobility Data Standard (e.g. DATEX II, TPEG) Proprietary
Transport Mode 0..1 Enumeration Vordefined Transport Mode Road
Geo Reference Model 0..1 String Geo Referencing Method (e.g. OpenLR) GeoJSON
Sovereign 0..1 String Legal name of the owner of the dataset LGV Hamburg
Data update frequency 0..1 String How often is the dataset updated. Every 5 min.
Geo location 0..1 String Simple description of the relevant geolocation. Hamburg and vicinity
NUTS location 0..* String NUTS code(s) for the relevant geolocation. DE60
Data samples 0..* URL Dataset samples if available -
Reference files 0..* URL Dataset schemas or other references -
Temporal coverage 0..2 Date Start and/or end date for the dataset 14.05.2024 - 14.05.2024
Condition for use 0..1 String Additional condiotions for use, source reference, copyright etc. Source reference: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Verkehr und Mobilitätswende