FAQ - Mobility-Data-Space/mobility-data-space GitHub Wiki

Why can't I just use EDC Connector?

Unfortunately the Eclipse Dataspace Components Connector is not compatible with MDS central components. Therefore, we developed extensions which allow an interaction between the EDC and the MDS central components. Additionally, the MDS EDC Frontend provides several enhancements, necessary for MDS interaction.

What should the variable EDC_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID look like?

EDC_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: 7X:7Y:...:B2:94:keyid:6A:2B:...:28:80

Can I run a connector locally and consume data from an online connector?

No, it is not possible. Either both connectors should run locally or both connectors should be online to exchange data.

Can I consume data from my own connector?

No, you need two connectors in the same environment to test the provider-consumer chain.

As data consumer you can use the permanently available MDS connector as data provider in the test environment (just insert the address https://mds-test-next-001.prod-sovity.azure.sovity.io/api/dsp in the field Catalog Browser/Connector Endpoint of your connector).

As data provider with on-prem connector you can additionally request a CaaS in the same environment and use this CaaS as consumer connector.

As data provider with CaaS you need support from another MDS participant who already has a connector in the same enivronment or support from the MDS. In the last case please open the ticket with an exact description what should be tested.

What do you need to know if you upgrade from MDS EDC v4.2.1

The update from MDS Connector version 4.2.1, like used in the MDS Release 1.2, to this version also involves breaking changes in both the Management-API and the used connector-to-connector message-protocol. The old version of the MDS Connector 4.2.1 had the Core-EDC Milestone 8 under the hood. By switching to this version, the Core-EDC under the MDS Connector is upgraded to the newer Core-EDC version 0.2.1. This upgrade results in breaking changes. The IDS-Protocol is no longer supported and has been replaced by the Dataspace Protocol (DSP) for connector-to-connector interaction via the Connector Protocol Endpoint. This change in the connector-to-connector protocol also means that this connector version (only DSP supported) is incompatible with an old deployed MDS Connector 4.2.1 (only IDS-Protocol supported). In addition, there are breaking changes in the Management-API for maintaining the connector's assets and further interactions directly via the Management-API. Below is an overview of the most important points:

  1. The Connector Protocol Endpoint changed to https://[FQDN]/api/dsp from https://[FQDN]/api/v1/ids/data.
  2. The Management-API Endpoint changed to https://[FQDN]/api/management from https://[FQDN]/api/v1/management.
  3. The v1 Eclipse EDC Management-API has been replaced by the Eclipse EDC JSON-LD v2 Management-API.
  4. The Connector now uses the Data Space Protocol (DSP) instead of the IDS-Protocol. This requires different paths to be available from the internet (see 1.).
  5. With this version, the MDS Connector no longer sends a message to a central Broker when a DataOffer is created. Instead it is expected, that the Broker periodically crawls the Connector's catalog on its own if the Connector is known to the Broker. Therefore, the Broker-URL no longer needs to be specified in the MDS Connector's configuration when deploying the MDS Connector (EDC_BROKER_BASE_URL no longer necessary).
  6. The configured value of MY_EDC_PARTICIPANT_ID in the connector configuration will now be validated via the DAPS: The configured value of MY_EDC_PARTICIPANT_ID must coincide with the value of the DAT-claim referringConnector as configured for this Connector in the DAPS, for MDS this is the MDS-ID.

Can I change the MDS Id in my on-prem connector on-the-fly?

No. Especially if you are provider and already have successfully negotiated contracts. On-the-fly change of the MDS Id (MY_EDC_PARTICIPANT_ID) will cause inconsistencies. If you want to re-start your connector with a new MDS ID you have to clean up the deployment before (all containers, images, volumes shall be deleted).

I have a new phone. How can I log in to my portal account?

If you change the device used to perform the two factor authentification the configuration of the One Time Passcode (OTP) has to be reset. To reset your OTP-Configuration please get in touch with your contact person at the MDS. If you are unsure on whom to contact please use this form to get in touch with us.

Do you have any further questions?

Please don't hesitate to contact us via the MDS Support System

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