Consume data via API - Mobility-Data-Space/mobility-data-space GitHub Wiki
Data transfer
First of all you need a valid contract, which you can negotiate via Frontend.
As next step you need an access token to call your CaaS-API (for on premise connector configure your access yourself depending on authorization mechanism you are using).
Then you need to create a custom json request. You can use this one as template.
Last but not least you need to send the json request to your API (in case of CaaS using the authorisation token from the auth script). You can just use this python script as example or write your own script.
Note: use the endpoint POST [Connector base url]/api/management/v2/transferprocesses
for the transfer process.
If you want to make a continuous or repetitive data requests, write a script that executes the above request in a predefined cycle.
If you want to make several different data requests at the same time, use several scripts in parallel.
Postman collection
Use the same Postman collection as for data offering.
Consume data via API using parametrization
Please use this template as example.