Possible extending functionalities - MobileGamingLabMobile/MGL GitHub Wiki
###5. Possible extending functionalities ####5.1 Editor
Collaborative game building
Building games with other community members to make the games bigger and more complexes than one single person can do. With more complex games or even games with a large story telling can satisfy more players than simpler games. Therefore it is necessary to adjust the database schema that there is not only one game owner.
Visual surface – editor
Caused by the fact that there is no editor GUI this is the most important extension to this product. The editor should be well structured and easy to use. Moreover should be more a construction kit then a code editor so that everyone can use it to generate proper games.
####5.2 Community
Design optimization
The design is consistent. In case the users has suggestions to optimize the design they have the possibility to contact us. After checking the request we are able to optimize it in their perception.
######Multi-language Because of the growing community there is the necessity to make them all feel comfortable including their decision to change the language of the surface. Changing language is not only appreciable for the community pages but also in-game and the editor have this requirement.
Introduce a chat-functionality
Especially for games with a multiplayer a chat is important to arrange games with other people in the area. Also the chat can be used to solve problems or get hints for some difficult tasks.
####5.3 Game
Team games and chat-functionality
Supporting the community aspect there could be more than one player involved in the game (player versus player / players versus players) that you can have a contest with other players or with groups of other players. For internal communication there could be a chat-functionality to organize your team or contact other players like it is explained above.
More condition-handling and action-methods
Till now the game can evaluate if the player is at the right location. Moreover it can change the status of a quest to “solved”. For the other conditions and actions there are needed code lines to add the evaluation of the conditions and the execution of the actions. The actions also need to send the updates to the client application. Additionally visualisation of the updates have to be implemented.
Gameplay optimization
As on-going process there is the gameplay optimization which is changing a lot across the types of games that can be build. It would be a good thing to reorder the sequence of surface buttons to get comfortable while playing the game.