Setup Backend API - MobileApps-Cascadia/campus-directions-ios GitHub Wiki

Set up your AWS Account

Create a AWS account

Create a IAM user

Follow these instructions
(Note: If you signed up for the AWS educate account your IAM Access Key ID and Secret Access Key can be found by clicking on Account Details, then click Show. As shown below)
AWS Educate

Install the AWS Command Line (CLI)

using Pip you can install the AWS CLI (on Linux, macOS, or Unix) by running:
$ sudo pip install awscli
Or using Homebrew on macOS:
$ brew install awscli

Add your Access Key to AWS CLI

It should look something like this:
* Secret access key wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Simply run the following with your Secret Key ID and your Access Key:
$ aws configure
You can leave the Default region name and Default output format the way they are.

Set up the Serverless backend

Create the DynamoDB tables

  • Sign in to your AWS console and select DynamoDB from the list of services.
  • Select Create table.