XPUIPCOffsets.cfg Notepad++ plugin - MobiFlight/MobiFlight-Connector GitHub Wiki

This Notepad++ User Defined Language (UDL) provides a high-contrast user interface for editing your XPUIPC config file. The UDL will allow you to easily see differences line to line in your config file. Just import it under the Language menu selected. The colors scheme is set up for DarkModeDefault, but feel free to change the colors to your liking once you have imported it.


Download XPUIPC.zip


Select the Language dropdown from the Notepad++ menubar. Next, select User Defined Language from the dropdown menu. Then, Define your language... from the fly-out menu


In the User Defined Language popup window select Import...


Finally, in the Open file dialog select the XPUIPC_NPPP_UDL.xml file and click on the Open button in the bottom right corner.


When the import is complete you will see a dialog box with Import successful.


To start using the UDL simply select XPUIPC from the Language menu dropdown and the language style will be applied to your current window.

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