4. Contributors - Mobbstar/InvisibleInc-MoreMissions GitHub Wiki
This is a reference page to keep track of who has contributed what to the mod, for later attribution purposes. A list of people who have directly contributed code can be viewed on the Contributor page. Design work was done collaboratively, involving people on the Discord, Reddit and Steam forums, with a lot of people on the Discord in particular bouncing around ideas.
- Mobbstar: Coding, initial custom mission framework for the mod, initialising the project, processing of VA audio files
- Hekateras: Coding, custom prefabs, graphics, writing, VA talent contracting and fundraiser organising
- Qoalaty_engineering: Coding, custom prefabs, writing
- Shirsh: Coding and porting the Courier Rescue mission from Early Access
- wodzu_93: Coding, custom prefabs, writing for the original AI Terminal mission from Worldgen Extended as well as two side missions (Personnel Hijack, Twenty-Four Briefcases), drone renaming HUD code
- Shyllelagh: Graphics: custom anims for Agent 009, small mission icon designs for Informant Rendezvous and Tech Expo
- Cyberboy2000: Coding and bugfixes, the dialog screen work ported from Interactive Events for the AI Terminal mission
- Sizzlefrost: Coding and bugfixes, in particular with regards to the Assassination mission, custom prefab for Luxury Nanofab side mission
- RaXaH: Scrollbar for AI Terminal
- Robit/RojoM: Github Action for easier automatic building and playtesting
- Jlaub: Tech Expo and Assassination datalogs
- Various Invisible Inc. Discord members: Playtesting, bugfinding and feedback
- amalloy, to101m, WhiteWizard: Playtesting VIPs