3. Mission details (spoilers) - Mobbstar/InvisibleInc-MoreMissions GitHub Wiki

Spoiler warning

This section contains detailed explanations of the custom missions, as well as SPOILERS for the surprises and security measures. You can use this if you're stuck or to find out if a mission is working as intended, but read at your own risk if you'd rather find things out the fun way.

NOTE: As the mod is still in development and some design details are subject to change, some information in this guide may be outdated.

Courier Rescue

Description: A mission type repurposed from the Early Access version of the game. The objective is to find and rescue the Courier. Unlike most missions, the exit teleporter remains locked until you locate the Courier. (Then it unlocks, whether or not you rescue him). The Courier is always found in a smallish square room with a Captain watching him. Freeing the Courier will spawn Discarded Manacles on his location. If the Captain is still around, he will immediately become alerted when finding the Courier missing with Discarded Manacles in his spot. From the moment you free him, you have a limited time to get the Courier to the exit, the time limit is dynamic and determined by the distance between the objective and exit rooms, typically 8-12 turns. When the timer is up, the Courier will die.

Reward: Successfully completing the mission will give you three new nearby infiltration sites at the same corporation as the initial mission, and close nearby.

EASY MODE: The Courier has an extra 2 turns to get to the exit.


Description: The objective is to find the VIP and assassinate him through any means at your disposal. The target has a Bodyguard lingering near him and a high-security panic room nearby. If you sneak up on the target and try to go in for the kill, you will find a nasty surprise waiting for you: the bodyguard takes 2 hits to kill with standard weapons, and there is a mission difficulty-dependent chance that the target is actually a hologram droid in disguise, with the real target already hidden in the panic room. If the target or the bodyguard are alerted, the target will panic and flee to the panic room, rather than the guard exit. There, he will arm himself with a gun from a safe and hunt inside the room, anticipating intruders. Getting to him inside the safe room can be a challenge, as it is protected by a locked door and at least one laser. The bodyguard and target will both unlock the door when they are near, even if they are unconscious. As elsewhere in the game, dragging a body into a laser grid also disables it. You can also disable the laser from the inside, by hacking the PWR generator, if you manage to get eyes on it (such as by hacking the Camera Database or wirelessly scanning it through the wall). Between the target's own gun and the lethal laser grid, the mission offers at least two ways of killing the target if you didn't bring your own weapon.

Reward: A large cash reward. However, killing the target will cause the security level to permanently increase for all subsequent missions at the same corp!

EASY MODE: Nothing yet.

Tech Expo

Description: A museum heist. Locate the exhibition center, which has five secure cases containing items you can steal: three cases with weapons and two with misc items. The room has a Captain wandering about, as well as a Scientist, but that's not the only security you need to worry about. First, as soon as you break all firewalls on any of the cases, the firewalls on all remaining ones will go up by 2. This security measure can be preemptively disabled by activating two Relay Switches you will find in the mission. The more dangerous security measure, one which cannot be disabled, triggers when you steal one of them. An Authority daemon will spawn, the glass on nearby display cases comes down and two experimental androids will start booting. With both human and drone traits, they are formidable enemies, but are vulnerable to EMPs, noise distractions and hacking. You may be tempted to clean the place out and steal all five items, but unless you've got a large, well-equipped team, it's probably best that you don't.

Reward: Up to five experimental items. Three are weapons based on existing items and a limitation of 5 uses per item. Two are powerful, unique, single-use non-weapon items. These items all sell for less than usual.

EASY MODE: The firewalls are boosted by 1, rather than 2. The androids spawn in without automatically being alerted and have shorter (-1) vision range. The Specdroid has a Pulse range of 4, rather than 5 tiles.

Informant Rendezvous

Description: An escort mission where you have to secure a false identity for an informant who will spy on the corps for you. The Informant will teleport in at the start of the mission and needs to find the Personnel Database (guarded by a random elite guard), then spend 5 turns hacking it. This will trigger guard investigation points while the hack is ongoing. After the hack is complete, the Informant must find a Guard Elevator and escape through it, infiltrating deeper into the facility. During this time, they will be located each time the alarm level changes.

Key to this mission's full success is managing who, or what, sees the Informant until they escape. Make sure no WITNESSES remain when you finish the mission to receive the full benefit of the reward. Guards, drones and cameras can all be witnesses. A persistent daemon will help you track witness status. All witnesses can be removed by killing or destroying them, but additional methods are available. For human guards, the Informant carries an Amnesiac that clears a KO'd guard's memory of having seen the Informant. Drones and cameras can be EMPd. Cameras can also be cleared by scrubbing a Camera Database. Finally the Informant also has a custom Cloak I on them to evade detection, though it cannot be taken off them. If you abort the mission and have the Informant escape through the agent elevator instead, a new Informant Rendezvous target will appear on the map, giving you a second chance at it. Be extra careful with noncombatant enemies who will flee if alerted; if they see the Informant and then escape the level, there's nothing more to be done about them.

Reward: If you succeed at securing the Informant's identity and getting them out through a guard exit, you will receive an INTEL BONUS at the start of the next 5 missions. The intel bonus is chosen randomly from the following five options: 1) 75% of guards tagged and revealed, 2) consoles & safes revealed, 3) cameras & turrets revealed, 4) facility layout & daemons revealed, 5) all doors revealed. It's possible to stack these bonuses if finish a new Informant mission before the previous bonus expires.

If any WITNESSES saw the Informant and still remained when you left, you will only receive this benefit for 1 mission. The intel bonus does not work in Omni facilities.

EASY MODE: No elite guard at the objective door.

Distress Call

Description: You've picked up a Distress Call from an operative who has escaped custody on their own and needs help with exfiltration, this is either an agent or a prisoner. Upon starting the mission you will immediately have control of the operative in an interrogation room somewhere in the facility, on top of the Captain they just knocked out. The nearest guard is already alerted and heading for the interrogation room, and they will have to get past a camera and a laser to get out. The alarm level in this mission advances at twice the normal rate, so move fast. Unlike a Detention Center, the operative's equipment will be stashed in a random safe in the facility - you'll know it when you see it. If the rescuee is an agent, the equipment will be their normal starting gear (or the gear they had on them if you lost them previously). If not an agent, the equipment will be a random item and a Vault Card.

Reward: A new agent who joins your team and potentially their normal starting equipment. If not an agent, a cash reward and a random item, as well as a Vault Card.

WARNING: Unlike every other mission type, which stays on the map, a Distress Call is urgent, meaning it disappears if you don't travel to it directly when you have the chance.

EASY MODE: No automatic alert of the nearest guard.

AI Terminal

Description: A mission repurposed and expanded from the AI Terminal side mission from the Worldgen Extended mod by wodzu_93. The main objective is a console hidden behind a blast door. The blast door will unlock when you activate the four lock terminals in the side rooms (each hidden behind a door). One is a regular door. One is a red security door, requiring a regular Passcard from a guard. One is a Vault Door, requiring a custom Vault Card found in a random safe, which can only be used on this mission. The last door will unlock when you activate a random Console.

With all four doors unlocked and the terminals behind them activated, the main AI Development Terminal will become usable. You will be presented with a dialogue screen and can choose between gaining a new program slot for Incognita, or upgrading a program you own by increasing or decreasing PWR cost, cooldown, range, or firewall-breaking power (however, only a random two of these four parameters are available for upgrade in a given AI Terminal mission). The same program cannot be upgraded twice, and you cannot decrease any of the program's traits below 1. If the Programs Extended mod is installed, and Hostile AI is enabled, you can also choose to permanently debuff that corporation's Hostile AI by reducing its number of subroutines by 2. You can start over if you attempt an invalid upgrade.

After you finish interacting with the terminal, knockout gas will begin filling the objective room, starting with the main terminal's location, and the nearest guard will be called to investigate. Get your agents out quickly to keep them from being knocked out and pinned.

Reward: A new program slot for Incognita (only becomes available in subsequent missions) or an upgraded program (available immediately). With Programs Extended, you can permanently debuff the Hostile AI of that corporation.

EASY MODE: The knockout gas takes 1 extra turn to spread through the objective room.