Site - MizzouCreative/mizzoumvc GitHub Wiki

Class Reference/Site


Contains site-wide settings and information. Site extends class Base.

Interacting with Site

Available as $this->objSite inside of extending classes of Main controller, and as Site inside of a view file.


Public Properties


String. The site's name as defined in Settings -> General Settings -> Site Title. Same as WordPress get_option('blogname')


String. The site's home URL. Similar to wordpress get_option('home') except it includes ending forward slash (/).


Integer. The current year.


String. Parent theme's URL location. Similar to wordpress get_template_directory_uri() except it includes ending forward slash (/).


String. Child theme's URL location. Similar to wordpress get_stylesheet_directory_uri() except it includes ending forward slash (/). If a child theme is not in use, this will be the same value as ParentThemeURL.


String. Value of ParentThemeURL or ChildThemeURL based on which theme is currently in use.


String. Parent theme's server path. Similar to wordpress get_template_directory() except it includes the ending directory separator.


String. Child theme's server path. Similar to wordpress get_stylesheet_directory() except it includes the ending directory separator.


String. Value of ParentThemePath or ChildThemePath based on which theme is currently in use.


Boolean. Returns true if a child theme is in use, false otherwise. Same as WordPress is_child_theme().


Boolean. Based on defined constant MULTISITE as defined in wp-config.php


String. If on a page or a single item, will be the date of the last modification to the page/item. Everywhere else it is the last modified date of any item in the *_posts table. Default format is M j, Y.


String. Deprecated. If the site has a site option of tracking_input, will contain the value.


String. If IsMultisite is true, will contain the parent site's name/title.


String.If IsMultisite is true, will contain the parent site's home URL.

Public Methods


Array. All currently defined public properties.

getLastModifiedDate( _$strDateFormat_ )

String. Returns the value of LastModifiedDate but formatted with the date pattern defined from $strDateFormat.

option( _$strOptionName_ )

Mixed. If the framework has been instructed to flatten options (default is true. See config.ini), this will retrieve an option value by option key name ( $strOptionName ).


Array. Returns a list of all public members of the object.

getSidebar( _$strSidebarName_ )

String. To be deprecated and replace with a Widgets model. Captures and returns the contents from the call to wordpress' dynamic_sidebar function for widget given via $strSidebarname.

Theme Settings

Available as public properties using a settings group/page's slug (as delivered by wordpress sanitize_title(). This that if your settings page name contains spaces, you will need to access the settings group via the attribute function in a view file ( attribute(Site,'foo-bar') ) or $this->objSite->{'foo-bar'} in a controller. Value returned will be an Array of all the settings in the settings group/page.