UI System - Mitoridori/JGRS-VGDPORT GitHub Wiki
1.0 TRD
The UI system needs to be able to display the quest text to the player as well as update the quest log when the player has their objective given to them, this system should also be responsible for prompting the player that they can interact with NPCs / objects.
2.0 TDD
This system will accomplish this by accessing the list of quests from an NPC and giving the first or next quest to the player when they are interacted with, this will in turn update the UI elements responsible for tracking the information that the quest is giving in the form of text.
2.1 Player HUD
For the player HUD it needs to call the parent BeginPlay before creating a widget for the screen and adding it to the players viewport
2.2 Quest UI
For the quest giver UI elements the system needs to first initialize itself based off if the parent initialize was successful. The system then needs to get reference to the player that interacted with it, once it has this reference it then displays either the greeting text, the quest info, the quest results or the quest finished text.
2.3 Player Widget Overview
This class first needs to initialize itself based on the parent initialize, then this class needs to store a reference to the play button (the quest button), this class is used to track whether the player can currently see the quest log info, this is done based on a button click, toggling the visibility of the dialogue box itself, this class also toggles the info from the quest giver being visible or not based on if the player has overlapped with the quest giver collision box.
3.0 UMLs