Problem? - MisterRager/Codelab-Indicator-Lights GitHub Wiki
When I try to build the app in Code or Atom, PlatformIO asks me to choose a port? Which one?
None of them: OSX is missing the CP210x series USB-UART adapter drivers. Obtain them from silab, and you should be good.
When I open the serial console, it just outputs nonsense.
The UART serial protocol is clockless, so phase issues turn normal data streams into garbled noise. Get useful outputs by hitting the "RST" button located near the "top" of the ESP-32 WROOM module. If that still does not work, make sure your baud rate for the serial console is 115200
I can't connect to my network. What gives?
The ESP32 only has a 2.4GHz radio, so it can't even see 5GHz networks. Additionally, it's sometimes a bit idiosyncratic. The only way to be sure of what's going on is to get logs from the router at the same time. For instance, Pinterest Guest
seems to give the hardware fits. If the network uses WPA2 Enterprise, the current setup won't work at all for you, but the functionality exists in the SDK.
I'm sending data to all 22 neopixels, but only the first half dozen respond correctly.
Sometimes, things just get weird. Unplug all power, give it a moment to just sit there, and plug it back in again. Things should resolve if you're using the ui functions already in the repo.