GZ 1 format - MisterMarty/bahn-gz-editor GitHub Wiki

Content of a GZ-1 file:

Name Type Value Length (in bytes) Description
Header Text char (ANSI) Any ANSI text (e.g. "Hello, world!") 1-* ASCII text containing meta-info about the file
Header End byte 0x1A 1 Marks the end of the Header Text
File Identifier char 0x47, 0x5a, 0x47 ('G', 'Z', 'G') 3 Static text "GZG" used to identify GZ-* files
Zoom Factor char 0x49 ('1') 1 Zoom factor as char. '1' for GZ-1 files, '2' and '4' for GZ-2 and GZ-4 respectively
Version byte 0x03, 0x84 2 Version of Bahn
Sub-version byte 0x00, 0x03 2 Sub-version of Bahn
Properties int32 bitmask 4 See Flags below
Steam/Smoke origin X * int32 any int32 4 X position of the smoke origin. Only set when either the steam- or smoke-flag is set
Steam/Smoke origin Y * int32 any int32 4 Y position of the smoke origin. Only set when either the steam- or smoke-flag is set
Steam/Smoke origin Width * int32 any int32 4 Width (length) of steam/smoke. Only set when either the steam- or smoke-flag is set
Clock future flag * int32 1 4 For future use. Set to 1 if clock flag is set, otherwise omit
... ... ... ... ...


Flag Binary Hex Description
Smoke 0000000000000001 0x0001 Element emits smoke (exclusive to Steam)
Steam 0000000000000010 0x0002 Element emits steam (exclusive to Smoke)
Clock 0000000000000100 0x0004 Element contains a clock
Cursor info available 0000000000001000 0x0008 Element contains custom cursor info
Driveway info available 0000000000010000 0x0010 Element contains custom driveway info
Colormap info available 0000000000100000 0x0020 Element contains custom colormap info
24BPP 0010000000000000 0x0200 Encoded in new color format (required)

Example of a flag combination: 00100000 00110010 This means, the element emits steam and contains custom driveway- and colormap info. The 24BPP flag must always be set.