Setup - MissionBit/fall-2014-intro-mission-tt GitHub Wiki


The first step is to make yourself an account on the computer you're using. Remember the name of this computer, it'll be easier if you pick the same one every week because it'll already have an account for you. The name is on a label on the bottom of your computer.

To do that, log in to the administrator account missionbit with the password (password given in class). Then open up System Preferences, click on Users & Groups, click the lock to make changes, and then click the + icon to make yourself a user.

Once that's done, click the Apple menu and log out, then login with your account!


The first thing you need to build something for the web is a web browser. One of the best web browsers for web development work is Google Chrome, which also happens to be the most popular web browser in the US by most metrics. Other popular browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Apple Safari. It's a bit easier if we're all using the same thing, so go ahead and download Google Chrome and install it into your Applications folder. You may also want to drag it into the dock because you'll be using it constantly!

Text Editor

The next most important thing is a text editor. For writing code you want to use a special text editor designed for that purpose. We have experience with a lot of these. The trouble is that many of them are either tricky to learn or expensive to purchase. For this course we're going to be using Adobe Brackets, which is super powerful, easy to use, and also free and open source. One really cool thing about Adobe Brackets is that it's made almost entirely with the same web technologies that we'll be using: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Maybe we'll even figure out how to build our own extensions to Brackets to customize it just for us. Go ahead and download Brackets now and put it in your Applications folder and dock.

When you open up Brackets you may get an error that it's an unsigned application. If you get this error, open System Preferences, go to Security & Privacy, and click "Open Anyway". The next time you open Brackets it should work.

"Remixing" Websites

Browsers have traditionally had a "view source" button that allowed you to look under the hood of a website and see how it was built, but a few years ago web browsers started adding better developer tools that even let you modify websites while you're looking at them.

This is a great tool that you can use to learn how sites are put together, but it can also be used for more nefarious purposes like taking fake screenshots or cheating in a web game.

Let's take a few minutes to experiment with developer tools and remix a site. Find some site on the internet that would be fun to change the content for, maybe the news, Facebook, or Wikipedia, and then right-click (with two fingers or use Ctrl-Click if the laptop has a physical button) and choose "Inspect Element". Double-click on the text you want to change and press return to change it.

Once you've finished your remix masterpiece, take a screenshot of the browser with Cmd-Shift-4, then press Space, and click on the browser window. This should put a screenshot on your desktop. Go to ("imager") and upload the screenshot and come up to the board and write the URL down so we can all check it out!


GitHub is a free service we'll be using to keep our code safe and help us collaborate. GitHub is like a backup service for your code, and if you make sure to push your code there every class you won't lose it, even if you aren't using the same laptop every class, or you accidentally delete a file or make a mistake after you've pushed it. When working in groups it also makes it much easier for multiple people to collaborate on the same project.

Go to and sign up for an account. You should also download the GitHub application from and set it up with your account.

GitHub won't spam you, but the email address you choose will be associated with your account and by default it may be published along with your code. If you don't want that, go to the Emails section under Account Settings. After you verify your email address there will be an option to "Keep my email address private".

Intro Survey

Fill this survey out before you take a break:

Roll Call

  • Get a sheet of paper and a sharpie or pen
  • Write your name on the sheet of paper!
  • Use Photo Booth on your laptop to take a picture of yourself with your name
  • Drag and drop your photo into a new comment on the Roll Call issue on Github.

Making a Repository

Open the GitHub app and sign in. Click the + at the top and name your new repository For example, if your GitHub username is pokemon-fan then the name should be

Now open Brackets and press Opt-Cmd-O (File -> Open Folder). Navigate to your home directory by pressing Shift-Cmd-H (or use the pulldown). Choose your repository and then click Open (or press return).

Press Cmd-N (File -> New) to create a new file. Type anything you want, such as "Hello World", into the window and then press Cmd-S (File -> Save). Choose the name index.html and click Save.

Switch back to GitHub with Cmd-Tab. You should see the changes you made. Click on the + with arrows icon so that the button says "Commit and Sync". Type in a quick note about what you did in Summary and then click "Commit and Sync".

After about 10 minutes, you'll have your own website at - we'll be using this repository throughout the semester so you can easily show off your projects.

Above and Beyond

Brackets supports a live preview mode! Go to File -> Live Preview and you can see changes to your website as you type them.

You can get started on Mozilla's HTML intro or Codecademy's web track and start picking up HTML tags to use on your website!