HTML - MissionBit/fall-2014-intro-mission-tt GitHub Wiki

Remix Take 2

Do a repeat of

Take a screenshot. Rename it to remix.png and add it to your repository.


When you have something that's wrapped in angle brackets it's called a tag, an example of a tag is <p> which is a paragraph tag for annotating a paragraph of text, or <a> which is an anchor tag that links from one page to another. We'll learn some of the most common tags today.

Project: Home Page

Update their index.html to be a proper HTML document. You should use (at least) the following tags:

  • doctype
  • html
  • head
  • title
  • body
  • h1
  • p

Here's an example that you can use as a reference:

Once you have updated your index.html, commit it and sync it with your Github repository.

Project: Image

Rename the screenshot from your remix project and then commit the image.

Project: Embed

Make a separate video.html file. Link to it from the home page with an a tag. Find a cool YouTube video and embed it in this page.

Project: Images

Make an images.html file. Link to it from the home page with an a tag. Download a few cool images or take some photos with Photo Booth and add them to your page with img tags.
