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Students from this class may choose to go to the LinkedIn class on Mon/Wed or the Mission High class on Tue/Thu.

Fall 2014 Intro Web Development - AdRoll - Mon/Wed

Programming is about taking an idea that you have in your head and explaining it in a way that computers can understand. Computers will do exactly what you tell them to do and you'll find that this means your instructions (or code) have to be very specific and detailed. Once you get the hang of it, you can figure out how to make just about anything you want. Even if you don't decide to study in computer science or become a career programmer, you're probably going to be able to use what you learn here. No matter what you study or where you work, computers are and will continue to be an integral part of nearly everything that we do today.

What we're going to do

  • Learn the building blocks of websites, games, and beyond
  • Learn how to think like a programmer and build cool things
  • Have fun!

How we're going to do it

If you get stuck

If at any point you get stuck, confused, or just want to know how to do something, ask a classmate for help. If that doesn't work, ask one of the mentors and we'll try and get you back on track. Programmers spend a lot of time helping their peers, so this is no different than how it works in the real world. Be respectful of your classmates: there are no stupid questions here.