Explanation of Dialog - MissCoriel/UniqueCourtshipResponseCore GitHub Wiki
Explanation of Dialogue Keys
Unique Response can be divided in to five parts, Courtship, Refusal, Birthday, Jealousy, and Baby and Pregnancy.
Courtship Keys
These keys pertain to dating and marriage:
- give_flowersA, give_flowersB: This dialog is the responses for a datable NPC to accept your bouquet, where give_flowersA replaces NPC.cs.3962 and give_flowersB replaces NPC.cs.3963. It is not certain if each NPC needs both. It IS recommended that you include both.
- give_pendant: This dialog is the response when giving an eligible NPC a Mermaid Pendant and they accept, where give_pendant replaces NPC.cs.3980.
- stardrop_gift: This dialog is used when you raise your spouse's heart level high enough that they give you a Stardrop, where stardrop_gift replace NPC.cs.4001.
Birthday Keys
These keys pertain to birthday gifts. Each NPC chooses to use either A or B but you should add both to prevent errors. These replace NPC.cs.4274 - NPC.cs.4281:
- birthdayLoveA, birthdayLoveB: Used to express that you gave them a loved gift for their birthday.
- birthdayLikeA, birthdayLikeB: Used to express that you gave them a liked gift for their birthday.
- birthdayDislikeA, birthdayDislikeB: Used to express that you gave a disliked or hated gift for their birthday.
- birthdayNeutralA, birthdayNeutralB: Used to express that you gave a neutral gift for their birthday.
Refusal Keys
These keys are for NPCs to refuse your Bouquets and Mermaid Pendants in certain conditions. They replace NPC.cs.3956 - NPC.cs.3961 and NPC.cs.3965 -NPC.cs.3975:
- rejectNPCA, rejectNPCB: Generally used for not datable NPCs to refuse your bouquet, however datables will use it if you have less than two hearts (500 FP) with them.
- reject_two_heartsA, reject_two_heartsB: Used when you attempt to give a NPC a bouquet when you have a minimum of two hearts but less than four.
- reject_four_heartsA, reject_four_heartsB: Used when you attempt to give a NPC a bouquet when you have a minimum of four hearts but less than six.
- engageA, engageB: If you are engaged and you attempt to give a NPC a mermaid pendant, the NPC will respond with these.
- marriedA, marriedB: If you are already married and you attempt to give a NPC a mermaid pendant, the NPC will respond with these.
- refusal_no_heartsA, refusal_no_heartsB: Used when you attempt to give a mermaid pendant to a datable NPC with less than two hearts.
- refusal_knownA, refusal_KnownB: Used when you attempt to give a mermaid pendant to a datable NPC with more than two hearts.
- refusal_botherA, refusal_botherB: Used when you annoy a NPC who has refused you already.
Jealousy Keys
There are two simple keys to enhance the dialogue originally used to mark that your spouse is jealous from you giving a gift to another datable NPC. These Replace NPC.cs.3985 this key is reset after each answer so it will be asked again each time.
- giftquestion_yes: Used if you tell your spouse the truth. This is a positive response for your honesty.
- giftquestion_lie: Used if you lie to your spouse. This is a negative response.
Baby and Pregnancy Keys
These keys add unique responses to your spouse when they are (or you are) pregnant. They replace NPC.cs.4439 - NPC.cs.4445, NPC.cs.4447 - NPC.cs.4449, and NPC.cs.4452. These are chosen by hardcoding and may not be immediately apparent.
- baby_anxiety: Used if your spouse is a little worried about the changes their life will undergo as a parent.
- adopt_excitedA, adopt_excitedB: After you have chosen to adopt a child, your spouse will convey they have completed the paperwork to begin the process.
- morningsick: This is selected as dialogue in the morning by hardcoding. Occasionally, your pregnant spouse will claim she is sick.
- moodyPregnant: At times, the game will select this as dialogue. Your spouse will not be in the mood to cook for you.
- informPregnancyA, informPregnancyB: When you select to have children with your spouse they will respond with one of these.
- yourePregnantA, yourePregnantB: When you select to have children and you take the pregnancy role, your spouse will respond with one of these.
- annoyedParent: At times, the game will select this showing they are a bit annoyed at their children.
- aloneTime: At times, your spouse will use this to tell you they don't feeling being a parent.