Legacy - MiraWaNeko/DiscordIntegration GitHub Wiki

Here you can see a description of the config file.
The config is located at mcroot/config/Chikachi/DiscordIntegration.json
Note: This config can NOT be used, unless all the comments are removed

Explanation of config

    "discord": {
        "token": "", // This is the token for the Discord Bot
        "channel": "", // ID of the Discord channel, the bot should put the message
        "commands": {
            "prefix": "!" // Change the prefix for commands
            "online": { // Command that tells which players are online on the Minecraft server (!online)
                "enabled": true,
                "roles": [], // Names of roles that can execute this, if empty, everyone can use it
                "aliases": [] // Aliases for the command, for example add "who" if you want !who to execute
            "tps": { // Command that shows the TPS (!tps)
                "enabled": false,
                "roles": [],
                "aliases": []
            "unstuck": { // Command that moves a player to spawn, works for both online and offline players (!unstuck playername)
                "enabled": false,
                "roles": [],
                "aliases": []
            "custom": [] // Add your custom commands to this array - Read about Custom Commands by clicking on the link in the menu to the right
    "messages": {
        "discord": {
            "chat": { // Minecraft => Discord chat messages
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "<__%USER%__> %MESSAGE%",
                "relaySayCommand": true // Send /say messages to Discord
            "death": { // Minecraft deaths messages
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "__%USER%__ %MESSAGE%"
            "achievement": { // Minecraft achievements messages
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "Congrats to __%USER%__ for earning the achievement **[%ACHIEVEMENT%]** (%DESCRIPTION%)"
            "join": { // Player joins the Minecraft server
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "__%USER%__ has joined the server!"
            "leave": { // Player leaves the Minecraft server
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "__%USER%__ left the server!"
            "startup": { // Minecraft server starts up
                "enabled": false,
                "message": "**Server started**"
            "shutdown": { // Minecraft server shutting down
                "enabled": false,
                "message": "**Server shutdown**"
            "crash": { // Minecraft server crash detected
                "enabled": false,
                "message": "**Server crash detected**"
        "minecraft": {
            "chat": { // Discord => Minecraft chat
                "enabled": true,
                "message": "<%USER%> %MESSAGE%",
                "maxLength": -1, // Max length of messages, will be truncated to length if longer
                "usernameColor": "red", // Color of the username, ignored if customFormatting is enabled
                "customFormatting": false // Be able to use in-game formatting and make links from Discord clickable
    "experimental": {
        "fakePlayers": false // Add all the Discord users as fake players (uses up player slots)
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