IMC Feature - MiraWaNeko/DiscordIntegration GitHub Wiki

Other mods can use IMC with DiscordIntegration to allow for listening to Discord messages and sending messages to Discord.

Send message

To send a message to Discord, you send a NBTTagCompound message with the key sendMessage to DiscordIntegration.

NBTTagCompound sendDiscordMessageTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
sendDiscordMessageTagCompound.setString("message", "Hello Discord");
sendDiscordMessageTagCompound.setLong("channel", 323197486179287041);
FMLInterModComms.sendRuntimeMessage(this, "discordintegration", "sendMessage", sendDiscordMessageTagCompound);

The message on Discord will be prefixed with [YourModNameHere].

Listen for events

To begin listening for Discord events, you simply send a string message with the key registerListener to DiscordIntegration.

FMLInterModComms.sendRuntimeMessage(this, "discordintegration", "registerListener", "");

To stop listening for events, you simply send a string message with the key unregisterListener.

FMLInterModComms.sendRuntimeMessage(this, "discordintegration", "unregisterListener", "");


Documented in JSON format until I find a better way to document them.

Chat message

{                              // NBTTagCompound
  "type": "message",           // String
  "user": {                    // NBTTagCompound
    "id": "86368887284719616", // String
    "username": "Chikachi",    // String
    "discriminator": "0001"    // String
  "message": "Hello World"     // String


Responses are sent with either success or error as key.

Success example

{                            // NBTTagCompound
  "method": "sendMessage",   // String
  "message": "Sent"          // String

Error example

{                               // NBTTagCompound
  "method": "sendMessage",      // String
  "message": "Missing channel"  // String