Beta Testing - MirRaonaq/AndroidBots GitHub Wiki
Beta Testing
Use Case
Case 1: Registering for an account
As a user who wants to register for an account, I will press the blue “REGISTER” button located on the top left corner of the page. A new page will open, prompting the user to enter information into three text boxes. I will type in my desired username in the box labeled “Username” located on the top of the page. Then, I will type in my email address in box labeled “E-mail” located in the middle of the page. After that, I will type in my desired password in the box labeled “Password” located above the “REGISTER” button. Lastly, after filling out the three text boxes, I will click the “REGISTER” button located at the bottom of the page.
Case 2: Logging in to an account
As a user who wants to log in after registering for an account (following case 1), I will type my full email address in the box labeled “Enter Full Email” located right under the Food Basket logo, and then type in my password in the box labeled “Password” at the middle of the page right below the "Enter Full Email" text box . Once I finished entering those two text fields, I will click the blue button labeled "LOGIN" located right under the "Password" textbox.
Case 3: Sharing Food
As a user who wants to share food, after I have logged into my account (following case 2), I will go to a page. In the page, there is a “SHARE” button and a “CLAIM” button on this page. Click the “SHARE” button in the middle of the page. There is a camera logo on the top right corner of this page. After I click it I could take a picture of the food I want to share. After that I can type the building name in the text field labeled “Building name”, room number in the text field labeled “Room number”, and description in the field labeled “Description,” for the food I want to share. Lastly, click the “Share” button which located at the bottom of the page. The food I want to share with other people will now appear on the “CLAIM” page.
Case 4: Checking for Food
As a user who is searching for free food, I would like to see if any free food is available, I will log into my account (following case 2). After successfully logging in I will press the green “CLAIM” button located below the "SHARE" button. I will then be on a page which will show all the available food. The picture of the food along with room number, building name, and a description of the location and food.
Testing Procedure
Procedure 1 for case 1:
The target is to test the process of registering for an account in Food Basket.
Testing Procedure:
In the login page of Food Basket locate the blue button labeled “REGISTER” located on the top left of the login page
- In the register page, type in your desired username in the text box labeled “Username” located under the Food Basket logo.
- Then, type in your full email address in the text box labeled “E-mail” located right under the “Username” text box
- After that, type in your desired password in the text box labeled “Password” located right below the “E-mail” text box.
- Lastly, click the blue “REGISTER” button located at the bottom of the page right below the “Password” text box.
Expected Outcome:
After following the testing procedures, an alert box will pop up stating “Account Successfully Created.” The user will then be logged in and on a new page with two buttons labeled "SHARE" & "CLAIM"
Procedure 2 for Case 4:
The target is to test the process of checking for available food.
Testing Procedure:
- After logging in by entering your email address and password on the login page.
- There will be two blue buttons labeled "SHARE" and "CLAIM"
- Press the blue "CLAIM" button located below the "SHARE" button
Expected Outcome:
After the button is pressed it will show a list of pictures of food posted by users. Along with every picture of the food, you can also see the building name and room number the food is located, with a description of the food.